
[外烟] 日烟将回购日本政府出售的部分股权



发表于 2011-10-8 08:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  据《烟业通讯》报道编译  据路透社的一则报道说,日本烟草公司在9月27日表示,如果日本政府决定出售其在日本烟草公司中的部分股权,为3.11地震与海啸后的重建筹集资金的话,它可能会回购一部分股票。
  日本烟草公司的执行副总裁Masakazu Shimizu说:“我们一直希望政府会出售它在日本烟草公司中的全部股份。”
JT sale speculation continues
Tobacco Reporter
Sep 28, 2011
  Japan Tobacco Inc. said yesterday that it might buy back some shares should the government decide to sell part of its stake in the cigarette maker to raise funds for rebuilding after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, according to a Reuters story.
  "We are always hoping that the government will sell all its shares in JT," said Masakazu Shimizu, an executive deputy president at JT.
  "We don't know in which form or in how many tranches the shares are to be sold.
  "We would buy back some of the shares in order to prevent excessive fluctuations in our stock price but we have not said that we would buy all the shares to be sold."
  The government's holding in JT has already come down to the legal minimum and any sale would need revisions to the law.
  But, according to a Bloomberg story, the ruling Democratic Party of Japan yesterday proposed selling the government's entire 50.01 per cent stake.
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    发表于 2011-10-9 00:45 | 显示全部楼层

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